Fundação Lafaek Diak halo serbisu ne'ebe hanoin kona ba familia no komunidade sira hotu,
no ne'ebe inklui:
Serbisu Saude iha Komunidade
Edukasaun Saude
Klinika Movel
Serbisu Saude ba Inan no Bebe
Grupu Inan Fo Suporta-an
Serbisu Medikal Labortorium
Dezenvolve Negosiu Sira Kiik
Orgaun Lideransa Rai-nian Liu Husi Bolsa Estudu & Treinamentu
Serbisu Saude iha Komunidade
Ezijensia ba servisu saude mak aas iha Timor-Leste. Ho hanoin ne'e, Fundação Lafaek Diak hahu klinik saude komunidade iha suku Triloka, Munisipiu Baucau iha tinan 2006. Klinik loke ofisialmente loron 28 fulan Febreiru 2007, depois asina Memorandum of Understanding ho Ministeriu Saude Timor-Leste. Iha tinan 2009, Fundação Lafaek Diak simu accreditation tomak husi Ministeriu Saude Timor-Leste ba klinik asude komunidade Triloka no serbisu klinik mobile. Klinik saude primariu iha konsulta ho komunidade sira, halo reseita ai-moruk, edukasaun saude, referal sira, no visit iha komunidade uma-nain laran.
Edukasaun Saude
Among the rural population in East Timor, access to medical treatment facilities is extremely limited. Therefore, The Good Crocodile Foundation identified the need to disseminate preventative health knowledge to the rural villages in Baucau through a health education program, which began in 2010. The FLD health educator visits ten primary schools and students at the CTID rural women's college to disseminate health education. In addition, the health educator provides information to patients in the clinic waiting rooms, patients present during mobile clinic visits, and to mother's during the mother's support group. Example health topics covered during the program include: hand-washing, nutrition, scabies, diarrhea, first aid, tuberculosis, tobacco cessation, malaria, reproductive health, and breastfeeding.
Klinika Movel
The Good Crocodile Foundation recognized the need for rural community members in Baucau to have better access to the clinic’s healthcare consultation, treatment, and health education services. Oftentimes, road conditions are so poor throughout Timor-Leste, that making the trip to the clinic or a nearby hospital is close to impossible. Thus, the clinic began to reach out to rural patients through the mobile clinic in 2012. The mobile clinic covers five villages, which includes ten subvillages, throughout the district of Baucau. The mobile clinic provides much needed medical consultation, health education, and medications. In addition, a great benefit to the elderly population through the mobile clinic has been vision screening by medical personnel, followed by the provision of reading glasses. This makes completing instrumental activities of daily living (IADLs) and learning to read and write at an older age much more achievable among the Timorese elder population. The mobile health clinic is operational on Tuesdays and Fridays of each week from 9am-1pm, with a rotating schedule of villages to visit. All five villages are seen at least once per month.
Maternal and Child Health Services
The Lafaek Diak Maternity clinic opened its doors in 2014, to provide prenatal, antenatal, and postnatal care to women in the Triloka and Ostico communities. The midwives work tirelessly to provide quality healthcare services to the women and children of Triloka and surrounding villages. The maternity clinic operates Monday through Friday from 9am-5pm. In addition to providing pregnancy care services, the maternity clinic also provides family planning counseling services and contraceptive options, hosts the "mother's support group," and administers vaccines to children of the appropriate age on a designated immunization day each week. Staff from the maternity clinic hope to expand their services in the future, as the midwives continue to build positive rapport with patients in the community.
Mothers' Support Group
The Good Crocodile Foundation established a partnership between the maternity clinic and the health education program in 2013 to create a "mother's support group." The group consists of female staff members and women of reproductive age from the Triloka community. Since 2013, the number of women in attendance has significantly grown. The support group provides a safe space to ask questions related to women's health, timely health information, and a support network of women in the community. The staff aid mothers by disseminating knowledge on topics such as breastfeeding, complementary feeding, personal hygiene, nutrition in pregnancy, the birthing process, vaccinations, and recognition of symptoms of disease in infants.
Medical Laboratory Services
Currently, The Good Crocodile Foundation is in the process of building it's first ever laboratory center. In the hopes of being able to offer better diagnostic options for the community members of Triloka and surrounding villages, The Good Crocodile Foundation plans to finish the building process in 2017. Foundation leadership and clinic staff are looking to add more diagnostic equipment to the clinic services through this new laboratory center, in order to better diagnose and treat cases of scabies, malaria, dengue, tuberculosis, and many other diseases among patients in the coming years.
Small Business Development Initiative
In 2011, FLD began a small business development initiative to help women in the District of Lautem (Los Palos) develop a business in weaving traditional Timorese tais scarves. The original group of women was made up of five war widows, who's husbands had died during the Indonesian occupation. FLD offers the women's group training in business skills, savings practices, and monetary funding for the group's capital expenses. The business is operational today in Los Palos, and has grown to financially support over twenty-five women and their families throughout the district.
Equipping Indigenous Leadership through Scholarships & Trainings
The Good Crocodile Foundation's education program aims to provide a target population within Timor-Leste with the opportunity for further education. The scholarship program offers community members (with a focus on young people) the opportunity for a quality vocational education. The foundation offers learning opportunities through international trainers on-site at the clinic, or where staff have traveled and studied abroad, in order to gain experience and skills to bring back to the clinic and to share with the Triloka community. In addition to scholarships, workshops are facilitated by The Good Crocodile Foundation in areas of need as identified by the community, as well as hosting study tours for international education in terms of non-formal and formal education groups visiting East Timor.
Donations are needed to carry out these programs.
Please see the "Get Involved" page for more information on how you can contribute.
Office: Triloka Clinic, Triloka, District of Baucau, Timor-Leste
PO Box 315, Dili, Timor-Leste
(Ph): +(670) 7723-5041
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