East Timor Health Topics

This page highlights some of the health topics affecting East Timor, and what the Triloka Community Health Clinic and Maternity Clinic is doing to address these concerns in the community.


Timor-Leste ranks as the country with the highest prevalence of children under the age of five who are underweight (WHZ) and stunted (HAZ), and the third highest for wasting (WAZ). Therefore, FLD works through its health education program, mother's support group, and general clinical services to provide education and treatment for people in the Triloka community who are undernourished. Education is specifically focused on promoting breastfeeding practices, agricultural diversity, and balanced diets among community members.

Maternal Mortality

The maternal mortality ratio in Timor-Leste is one of the highest in the world. Improvements must be made throughout Timor-Leste to the quality of antenatal care services and access to skilled birth attendants. FLD aims to reduce the ratio through their midwifery and health education services. By engaging women in the community with safe, high-quality care from skilled professionals and promoting access to good nutrition and improved sanitation and hygiene, FLD will improve maternal health for the Triloka community.


Diarrhea is the leading cause of malnutrition in children under age five, and can be life-threatening, especially among children who are malnourished or who have compromised immune systems. Diarrhea is also the third leading cause of death worldwide among children under the age of five. Timor-Leste is not immune to the struggles of providing adequate sanitation and hygiene for its citizens. Therefore, FLD works with partner NGOs to build latrines, and through the health education program to teach community members the importance of hand-washing, good nutrition, and clean water sources.


Scabies, caused by a microscopic mite that burrows under the skin, is estimated to affect more than 100 million people globally. The terrible itching often leads to secondary infections that can cause potentially deadly diseases. Scabies is endemic within Timor-Leste due to the tropical climate and poor sanitation and hygiene practices, but as the prevalence of cases of scabies has drastically risen over the last year in Timor-Leste, it has moved onto becoming an epidemic. Therefore, FLD works tirelessly through the community health clinic, maternity clinic, and health education program to provide preventative and treatment education to patients and students in the surrounding schools, along with treatment and itch-relief options through prescribed creams and 1% gentian violet.

Tobacco Use

Timor-Leste has one of the highest smoking rates in the world. Nearly two-thirds of adult males in East Timor smoke cigarettes daily, with young people smoking more and more each year. In addition to a lack of policies restricting use in public areas, education buildings, and government facilities, there are currently no tobacco cessation programs or health education programs supported by the government of East Timor. FLD is working with the community through the health education program to begin to educate the community on the harmful effects of tobacco smoke and cigarette use, with particular attention paid to the younger male population in designing education lessons for the schools surrounding Triloka.

Family Planning

As of 2014, the total fertility rate for women in East Timor is 5.11, with the 2010 contraceptive prevalence rate being only 22.3%. These high rates of fertility and low rates of contraceptive prevalence throughout Timor-Leste is largely due to strong religious beliefs, and cultural stigmas surrounding contraceptive use. By encouraging family planning options in a culturally-sensitive manner, East Timor has the potential to greatly reduce their maternal mortality ratios and infant mortality rates. The maternity clinic at FLD works to provide women of Triloka and the surrounding villages with several contraceptive options. Midwives on staff are also trained in family planning counseling, and in the provision of long-lasting family planning methods.


Tuberculosis is endemic throughout Timor-Leste, with an estimated prevalence of 758 per 100,000 population. With this prevalence, Timor-Leste has one of the highest rates of TB in South East Asia. More than 800 patients died as a result of TB in Timor-Leste in 2012. Patients that visit the FLD clinic receive consultation for symptoms related to Tuberculosis and, following diagnosis, receive treatment through directly-observed therapy. The FLD Health Educator also provides information on preventative measures to school-children and patients. The FLD Maternity Clinic offers daily BCG  immunizations to newborns to prevent Tuberculosis. In addition, FLD hopes to begin providing TB diagnosis capabilities to patients from the clinic facilities in Triloka through the new medical laboratory building. In 2016, FLD identified a family in the community who's members all tested positive for Tuberculosis. FLD helped the family by rebuilding their unsanitary home built from sticks, dirt, and a thatched roof, to a new home of cement and corrugated metal, with functional doors and windows. FLD will continue their efforts to prevent TB within the community and to provide relief for those who have tested positive.


Malaria is a major public health issue throughout Timor-Leste, and is the leading cause of morbidity, with approximately 200,000 clinical cases per year, and 20 to 60 deaths per year. FLD aims to prevent and treat cases of malaria in the community by providing preventative health education, and treatment options for patients. FLD specifically targets  mothers and newborns in the community through health education. In addition, FLD hopes to begin providing greater access to malaria microscopy diagnosis capabilities to patients from the clinic facilities in Triloka through the new medical laboratory building.


Leprosy, a once chronic disease epidemic throughout Timor-Leste, is nearing elimination. However, Timor-Leste still has the highest rate of leprosy in South East Asia, with cases existing especially among rural communities. FLD provides consultation for patients with symptoms related to Leprosy, and referral to leprosy centers throughout Timor-Leste for treatment. In addition, the FLD Health Educator provides information to school-children and patients on preventative and treatment measures to aid in reducing stigma of the disease within the community and to help community members identify symptoms early on in the disease process.

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